
The $4000 song

Last night at Grumpy’s Bar with Chick Pickn’ Mondays was a terrific start to our ‘No Angel’ tour. Grumpy’s is a warm, intimate room with welcoming regulars who like to be part of the artistic process … what better place to start your first tour together as a travelling trio! An update on the actual hard copy discs, we…

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Pre-order Fluffy’s debut album, ‘No Angel’

It’s finally happening, the Fluffy Little Cowboys are getting ready to release our first full-length album! The album will be released in May just in time for our performance at May Run Festival and our tour to Ontario in June and we want to give all of our fans a chance to order in advance…

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Help send Fluffy on a songwriting adventure in Trinidad and Tobago

Back in August the Fluffy’s headed down to Charlottetown to record a segment with Fabian James of Bell Fibre Op’s Club One New Releases. These guys are featuring East Coast songwriters and featuring one a week on Bell’s Fibre Op Channel 1 and 401, starting in November (FUN!) Then, they will be taking 6 groups from…

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Plan B, C, D, E …

We haven’t posted in a while, not because there is not a lot happening but because things change so quickly we are not quite sure what to say 🙂 Here is a quick run-down of what’s been happening … We didn’t get the OAC funding to run the community awareness program re: violence against women…

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Right foot off gas, left foot on clutch, and Shift Gears

What is that they say about the best laid plans? So, we finally did the big business handoff (scary) and told all my clients most of which were very happy for me.  We have two weeks before we hope to find out if we get the OAC funding for our big, three-year project(s) in Lanark…

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Blog Post #2 – Pick a Name, Any Name

I have been working hard for the last six months to move from being a web developer who is also a musician to being a musician who dabbles in technology.  For me this has meant packaging and selling my web development business, investing countless hours working with community partners to prepare and submit funding proposals…

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Blog post #1 … This is not a resolution …

Last year around this time I decided that I needed to start documenting our journey … I spend a lot of time clarifying for people just what it is that we do and how it is that we do it.  There are a lot of interested people asking a lot of interesting questions … I…

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