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Alt country folk music by a some cute girl cowboys

maureen & shelleyThe Fluffy Little Cowboys were created in 2013, after the original two members, Shelley and Maureen, met for the first time at a gig in Kingston. They were both a long way from home (one further than the other), and they haven’t stopped travelling since.

Shelley Montreuil, (vocals, guitar), called Perth Ontario home, while Maureen Adams (bass, mandolin, vocals) lived in PEI. Now, 3 years after starting the group, the duo live in a big white RV which they use as both home and (very luxurious) tour van, cris-crossing Eastern Canada playing everywhere from Pembroke, Ottawa, Perth, Toronto and Prince Edward Island. When the RV is packed away for the winter they spend their time on PEI.

In 2016 a third band member, Keelin Wedge (fiddle, vocals), joined the group, adding irresistible fiddle solos and a brilliant third harmony to the all-girl group.

With a wide range of influences from old country to swing to folk to alternative, Fluffy creates a sound both old and new, creating a familiar acoustic sound that combines a lilting East Coast charm with a rural Ontario edge.keelin

Having recorded their debut three song EP in 2014, featuring some East Coast je ne sais quoi (This Old Bridge) along with some Melissa Ferrick’esque alt-folk (Thirteen Hours), the Fluffy Little Cowboys are currently working on their first full-length album, and look forward to bringing their new songs to small halls and festivals on PEI and beyond!

“You guys have a real ‘early Carter Family’ kind of sound going on”… Phillip Victor Bova, Bova Sound Studios, Ottawa ON

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